
You could provide the ‘stop-gap’ for a vulnerable child, or young person who needs a safe environment until a more permanent home can be found. This type of fostering can vary in length, from one night to a few weeks or months.

Foster kid playing football in a field

Short-term foster care is where you will provide a vulnerable child or young person with a safe environment to stay in until a more permanent placement can be found, or they can return to their family. This type of placement can vary from one night to a few weeks or even months, depending on the circumstances.  

Calon Cymru will support you throughout your placement and assign you a Supervising Social Worker. This will help you to focus on the child whilst they are in your care.  

Short-term placements can also become long-term if it is determined that it’s best for everyone.  

Deciding on the fostering that suits you best is a difficult decision. For example, you might suit a placement where you look after a child or young person more permanently than in short-term foster care. 

Do you think you can change the life of a local vulnerable child or young person?

Get in touch today for a casual, friendly chat with our experienced foster advisors.

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