Transferring to Calon Cymru Fostering

Moving to Calon Cymru is quick, easy, and may be the best move you'll ever make.

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CCF Transfer to us Individual Page

Transfer to us

As an existing approved foster carer, you can transfer to another foster service provider if you're unhappy with the service or support you're receiving.

Are you looking for a change to your current fostering arrangements? Consider switching to Calon Cymru Fostering (formerly known as Pathway Care Fostering), one of the leading independent agencies in South and West Wales.  

We operate from two local offices in Cardiff and Carmarthen and have social workers based throughout the region, ensuring easy access to our teams and specialist training delivered locally.

The benefits of transferring to Calon Cymru

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A dedicated social worker and a team of support workers supporting and working with you

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Our social work team is available to support you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

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A foster carer ‘buddy’ - someone who's already been through the process and fosters with us too

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Regular training and support to boost your knowledge, skills and confidence

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We offer a competitive allowance and benefits packages for all our carers

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Our carer-led initiatives include regular support groups and activities for all carers

Transfer to Calon Cymru

Transfer your approval to us, and we will ensure a smooth, sensitively managed transition in the best interest of the children in your care.

The process of transferring to Calon Cymru Fostering is discussed individually and takes, on average, around 3-4 months. Your current fostering agency is obliged to provide a range of information as part of the transfer, including access to your existing file. This helps reduce the time before you are ready to be registered with us.  We follow The Fostering Network’s Transfer Protocol (2014, re-issued in 2015) which states:  

The protocol recognises the principles of childcare legislation and seeks to ensure that safeguarding the welfare of children is at the core of fostering policy and practice. It recognises that the welfare of any child in placement is paramount.

Click here for a copy of The Fostering Network’s Transfer Protocol.  


How does the transfer process work?

The process is very straightforward if you are looking to transfer and don’t have children in placement. However, if you have a child(ren) placed with you, a protocol meeting will be arranged early in the process to discuss the needs of those in your care and the services Calon Cymru Fostering needs to continue to deliver.  

Following a protocol meeting, an agreement can be reached for the children to transfer with you. We will maintain your current terms of placement. This means you will continue to receive the same level of payment, expenses and services to support the child for the duration of the placement.  


Common Questions

Absolutely, it is entirely up to you. You have right and the ability to transfer as a foster carer at any time.

If you currently foster on behalf of a Local Authorities or a different independent foster agency you are always eligible to transfer to Calon Cymru.

Get in touch with one of our fostering advisors today. Give us a call or complete a contact form and get back in touch.

Do you think you can change the life of a local vulnerable child or young person?

Get in touch today for a casual, friendly chat with our experienced foster advisors.

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